how can upload obj file

In preparation for delays in b3dm file-related work, I would like to upload 44GB obj files using a single coordinate.

this is my xml file (373 Bytes)

Has anyone tried uploading only obj and xml files to the correct location?

The obj file was also created with the terra dji program.

HI @jkzmkqwe,

I’m afraid I don’t understand your question. You can use Cesium ion to tile OBJs as 3D Tilesets, then stream them in Cesium for Unity. But, if you want to use them as regular 3D models, then you can simply import them in Unity like any other 3D model.

It would help to have more context about what you want to achieve, and why you’re choosing this solution. Thank you!

I tried to proceed with obj,
but the file size was too large, so I ended up using b3dm.
Thank you for your reply.