How do I adjust lighting Settings for CustomShader

So here’s a model, in the normal case, that looks something like this
When I added,
Cesium. ExperimentalFeatures. EnableModelExperimental = true;
The lighting is too extreme

However, after I remove the lighting, I can’t see the outline clearly. How do I get the effect of figure 1 in CustomShader

Hi @h2936817294,

Thank you for bringing the community your question! It would be great if you could share a sandcastle demo that showcases the behavior that you are seeing. I’d also love to learn more about how you are configuring your custom shader.


Also @h2936817294, try this again in Cesium 1.92, we recently added image-based lighting to ModelExperimental, that might explain the difference in lighting.

Just to crosslink things, this was also discussed in GitHub here


We have this again in 1.99. any technical details on it?