How do I programmically remove the navigation help?

I'm trying to remove the navigation help panel (which I purposefully displayed by setting navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible=true).

I've tried:

  var navHelp = $( '.cesium-navigation-help' );
  navHelp.removeClass( 'cesium-navigation-help-visible' );

This does remove the help panel, but it then requires to clicks to redisplay the navigation help.


You have 2 viewer options related to that: to remove it completely (set it to false).

Another one is navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible, which can be used to just start with the help screen closed.

Thanks Yonatan. I don't want to use navigationHelpButton and remove the button, I just want to remove the panel as if the Help button was clicked.

Similarly, as I said in my post, I **purposefully** set navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible to true because I want it to display when the map is first displayed.

Sorry for misunderstanding.
That's a JS issue. Here's a vanilla js solution for you to work with the

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
    navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible: true

You can replace it with a jQuery one: $('#cesiumContainer
.cesium-navigation-help-button').trigger('click') that should do the same.
Hope this helps.

You should be able to hide the instructions like this:

viewer.navigationHelpButton.viewModel.showInstructions = false;


Nice one Kevin.
When does Cesium looks for changes in the viewModel? During a rendering

It’s a knockout observable property, so the DOM update happens immediately, I believe.

You should be able to hide the instructions like this:

viewer.navigationHelpButton.viewModel.showInstructions = false;


Perfect! Thanks Kevin.

Never worked with knockout. Thanks!