Similar to this effect
Hi there,
I’m not sure what your input data is, but I would take a look at this thread for how to use custom imagery on the globe surface,
We also recently added custom material support for the globe which would be another way to accomplish a similar effect.
Hi Gabby,
I’m input data is,I want to achieve the effect is a dynamic effect ,not a static material effect.
Similar to this effect:, I’m recently inquiries a lot of information, but do not know how to achieve this effect on cesium
在 2017年12月21日星期四 UTC+8下午4:36:02,Tony Zhang写道:
Hi here,
I’m input data is,this is 2d effect:
在 2017年12月21日星期四 UTC+8下午4:36:02,Tony Zhang写道:
Hi Tony,
Since you already have the data drawn to an HTML canvas, you should be able to use that on the globe surface. However, you will probably need to create your own ImageryProvider to display and update it. We don’t have instructions on how to do that, but looking at GridImageryProvider.js is a good place to look for an example of an imagery provider that uses the canvas.