How to flatten terrain

Hi Team,
I hope to flatten the designated area of the terrain.
Can u please help me with a good idea?
Thanks in Advance!


Great question! I have never heard of this use case before, but I would love to learn more. What kind of data would you like to flatten? One idea is to use a world terrain dataset that does not have elevation. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns :grinning:


Just like this discussion, but not just 3D title, I hope it can also be realized on the terrain. :grinning:


Thanks for the update :rocket: Are you able to provide the exact data type?


How do we create the terrain with no elevation ?

Thanks !!


Which terrain are you referring to?


Hello @sam.rothstein ,
I am creating terrain like this.

viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(container, {
         terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain()

So this terrain I am referring to.

Thank you !!

So far, no suitable method has been found to flatten the polygon area specified by the terrain

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You will need to import a custom terrain dataset that does not include elevation.

I do not think that there is a way to use the CesiumJS API to flatten Cesium World Terrain at a given point.


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