I have successfully implemented the tutorial on how to build a flight tracker. I would like to be able to access the index of the data at a current time in my app. In other words, when cesium is showing the animation of the airplane following the flight path, how can I get the current index that the airplane is at? (the index of my data).
Im using Resium. btw.
style={{ border: "10px solid green" }}
position={positionProperty} // this uses the SampledPositionProperty how can I know at what point of the position sample are we?
// Automatically compute the orientation from the position.
orientation={new VelocityOrientationProperty(positionProperty)}
model={{ uri: model, minimumPixelSize: 100, maximumScale: 100.0 }}
new PathGraphics({
width: 3,
material: Color.fromCssColorString("#202025"),
new TimeIntervalCollection([
new TimeInterval({ start: start, stop: stop }),
I hope this makes sense. Iām happy to explain further Thank you so much for your time.