If I use Entity API, I can use PolylineDashMaterialProperty - Cesium Documentation , but is there anything similar for primitives?
I’m basically drawing a ground primitive which is more performant than drawing polyline entities , and I can make it solid color, but now I’m looking for a way to draw dashes now.
Hi @Mike_Dao ,
Thanks for your note and apologies for not getting a response until now.
It seems like you are aware but I’ll mention for the potential benefit other readers that it is useful to understand the different between the Entity API and Primitive API, with the Entity API being a higher abstraction level. Creating Entities – Cesium
As for your approach to use GroundPrimitive - Cesium Documentation from the Primitive API for the sake of performance, which type of GeometryInstance did you use? Not all of the geometry instances have GroundPrimitive support, including PolylineGeometry - Cesium Documentation I believe.
Please feel free to provide some more detail on your approach (and a sandcastle sample too if you are able) and we would be happy to help.