how to set zoom lvl for rendering 3d tiles


How can I ensure that my 3d tiles objects remain visible when the camera zooms in and they get closer?

Now it gets a lot of distant renders even from far away which causes performance issues as well.

Is your tileset using ADD or REPLACE for its refinement type? If you’re using ADD the object should always stay visible as you zoom in, and if you’re using REPLACE the object will be replaced with its children as you zoom in.

Usually if tiles in the distance are still rendering when they shouldn’t be, it means their geometric error is too high. Without fixing the tileset you can help control this by increasing the tileset’s maximumScreenSpaceError. This will cause objects to become visible as you get closer than before.

If you are able to send over the tileset or screenshots that would help in seeing what the problems are.


From the outset the tileset.json looks fine, it’s using replacement refinement so a tile will not be rendered if its children are rendered. If you want that behavior you should switch to using additive refinement.

What type of data are you showing in the tileset? Is it buildings, photogrammetry, or something else?

If you want that behavior you should switch to using additive refinement.

Sorry typo - If you don’t want that behavior you should switch to using additive refinement.