When I set "viewer.trackedEntity = entity",I find the camera looking the entity in a specific relative position in default.
Is there a good way to change camera`s default value such as Heading/Pitch/Range when entity is tracked?
Hi Yan,
The offset from a tracked entity is defined as a property of the Entity, “viewFrom” (http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Build/Documentation/Entity.html). That property takes a Cartesian3 offset. Unfortunately, we don’t yet support defining a particular rotation for the camera when tracking, if say you want to look at a point besides the entity as opposed to directly at it. If you really need that, you can create either a child or parent entity of the original entity to track instead.
We’re currently working on a follow-camera: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/5241 Which will hopefully add better support!
Hope that helps,
- Rachel
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for your help! Now,I can give a offset use the “viewFrom”.
But for the rotation when tracking,I find I need to have a try to create an extra entity to track.But I have to say that it is really a nice idea!
Thank you so much!
在 2017年5月9日星期二 UTC+8下午10:19:00,Rachel Hwang写道: