How to use Draco Compression converting a las point cloud to Cesium 3d Tiles

Does anyone have any knowledge on the process of converteing to cesium 3d tiles and compressing using

Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Google Draco

Cesium article Compressing Massive Point Clouds with 3D Tiles and Draco – Cesium

Hi @cirrusdevs,

Thank you for the question! Can you please share some more information on your use case?

A lot of CesiumJS developers upload their data to Cesium ion. From here, they stream their data as 3D Tiles into CesiumJS at runtime.

Looking forward to learning more.


Thanks for replying Sam.

I have successfully processed a las point cloud using the following stages: las → entwine ept dataset → 3d tile .pnts dataset. I want to improve performance, hence another post I made Explanation on Point Cloud Visual Settings.

How would I incorporate draco in that process?

Does cesiumjs support draco encoding/decoding or is it just Cesium ion.
I want to be able to store the processed file locally for use in a custom cesium viewer.

Does Cesium ion have a download option for the processed file?

My preference is not to use Cesium ion as I want to self host and use custom tools.

Many thanks.

Hi @cirrusdevs,

When uploading data to Cesium ion, and tiling the data as 3D Tiles, you will get the option to enable Draco compression. Cesium ion currently does not have a download option for files that are uploaded. Cesium does offer on-premise tools for more specific use cases where users need to tile their data on a local server.


Unfortunately there is no .pnts draco compression tool that I know of.

There is a standalone tool to convert gltf to Draco compressed gltf, but not for point.

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