how to view data which contains in Cesium3DTileset

1. A concise explanation of the problem you're experiencing.

I want Cesium3DTileset data of buildings where I can compare and modify to my function latitude

2. A minimal code example. If you've found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.

var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
       url: ‘’,
     shadows: true,
     terrainShadows: Cesium.ShadowMode.ENABLED
   console.log(“tileset==”); console.log(tileset);

3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.

I want to compare Cesium3DTileset data with my existing lat longs.

4. The Cesium version you're using, your operating system and browser.

1.39 cesuim, windows 10 OS

Are you trying to find if a tileset covers a certain lat/long? Or something else?

Hi Sean Lilley,

I am trying to compare latitude longitude of tileset and with my present latitude & longitude.

I am trying to implement line of sight function where i can restrict line ray not to pass thru other buildings.

Is that possible to get data latitude longitude & height of objects parameters of Cesium3DTileset without click event ?

Request to guide me.



Hi Sean,

var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
url: ‘’,
shadows: true,
terrainShadows: Cesium.ShadowMode.ENABLED

Here from this code , i receive graphical image of 3D buildings where line of sight passing thru the buildings.

can u help me out , how can we change graphical image to opaque in Cesium3DTileset.



Oh I think I see now. Right now we don’t have support for ray-tileset intersection which is needed for line of sight. The shadows effect is purely visual.

The NYC tileset that you’re using does have some attributes that may help approximate line of sight. Each building has a longitude, latitude, area, and height, and with these values you can estimate a bounding box for each building. Then its just a matter of getting the visible tiles (one way is tileset._selectedTiles), looping over the features in each tile, getting the longitude, latitude, area, height properties, and then doing a ray vs. estimated bounding box test. It’s not the easiest thing to do but it’s possible.

Hi Sean ,

Thanks for the information.

can help me out, how to find bounding box for each building in Cesium3DTileset.



Hi ,

My question is a function to find bounding box for each building in Cesium3DTileset.



Currently, you can’t retrieve the bounding box of a specific building through the Cesium API.

Dhana, the best you can do is approximate it with the steps I listed above, however as noted it can get complicated.

Hi Sean,

I have written code for 360 degrees with human vision distance. My loop is hanging out. Please, can u help me out with calculations?

am using cesuim3dtileset data for tileset data comparison to stop the line with final lat long.

below is my code:

hi any update on this?

If you’re asking specifically about how to get the height of a tileset at a particular point, there has been some progress! Check out Gabby’s response here:

i'm actually looking for ray tileset intersection.

Hi sush,

That’s what that pull request should accomplish. We’d get the height by testing the intersection of a ray perpendicular to the ellipsoid’s surface, but it will work for any ray.

