I want to load a model which this size is 100M, It is about nine seconds to load success.

1. A concise explanation of the problem you’re experiencing.

I want to load a model which this size is 100M, It is about nine seconds to load success.how can I compress the model?

2. A minimal code example. If you’ve found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.

3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.

4. The Cesium version you’re using, your operating system and browser.

Sign up for a Cesium Ion account and then upload the GLTF model. Once it’s uploaded, click the “Adjust tile location” button above the visual preview. Then copy/paste the code snippet to insert the 3DTiles-streamed version into your Cesium viewer. Should hopefully be much quicker assuming you’re currently trying to instantiate it locally into your viewer the traditional way.