Image over Tileset

Hi everyone !
I’m using the entity API to create polygons with different materiels (image, ect). It works prefectly 95% of the time, but as i’m working on a tileset with vertical areas it sometimes fails as polygons entities are a vertical projection of the ellipsoid.

What i need is to be able to drap polygons on those surface (the purple polygon on the image). I know i can use classification, but sadly it restrains me to use single colors as material…

Is there a way to do it with Cesium ?

Hi @Alexandre_Baratier,

Thank you for sharing this with the community! Can you please share some information on the computer that you are running this on (Windows, Mac (M1 hardware or Intel hardware), Linux) as well as the browser?


Hi @sam.rothstein, thanks for the reply
I’m working on windows 11 with chrome

Hi @Alexandre_Baratier,

Understood :+1:

Are you able to provide a sandcastle demo that showcases this behavior?


Of course @sam.rothstein :slight_smile:

Here is an example of a polygon rendering on a vertical surface of melbourne model

Hi @Alexandre_Baratier,

Thanks so much for sending over this sandcastle demo. I took some time to play around with it and it definitely showcases the issue well.

I think a great next step would be to create an issue on our GitHub page that outlines this behavior. This “formally” starts the process for implementing a solution. Feel free to tag me at @srothst1

As always, we love to see code contributions from our community.
