imageryProvider can't support video

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {

geocoder: false,

homeButton: false,

sceneModePicker: false,

baseLayerPicker: false,

navigationHelpButton: false,

animation: false,

timeline: false,

fullscreenButton: false,

vrButton: false,

sceneMode: Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE3D,

creditContainer: ‘credit’,

selectionIndicator: false,

imageryProvider: new Cesium.SingleTileImageryProvider({

url: 'test.mp4’




If you want it to cover the whole globe you can apply a material to a rectangle the size of the globe (see this Sandcastle for an example of that

and then just have that material as the video element, like in this example:

Let me know if that works.