Increased open standards engagement after Cesium joined Bentley

Hi folks,

As I mentioned in a previous thread, Cesium recently joined Bentley Systems. One of the many appeals for joining Bentley was to increase our engagement in the open standards community, especially to continue to advance 3D Tiles and glTF - the specifications, the surrounding ecosystems, and broaden awareness on why this is good for everyone.

There are so many potential advancements such as time-dynamic 3D Tiles, voxels, gaussian splats, metadata for AEC/Infrastructure, etc. There’s exciting times ahead.

I wanted to share our first update since joining Bentley last week - we have increased our membership in the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). This is the consortium that adopted 3D Tiles as a Community Standard, and is an amazing community to continue to advance the specification; get input and feedback; share learning material, and, frankly, make friends.

We have more to come on this front, but I wanted to share this initial step right away as a signal for what is to come. Please share your thoughts on the future of 3D Tiles, open standards, or anything else!
