When 3D tileset is turned on,
cesium request-cache.sqlite-wal,
The size will continue to increase.
Thanks for the question @a87645507! There is a limit on how large the cache can grow, which you can configure in the CesiumRuntimeSettings.asset
file. The setting Requests Per Cache Prune
configures how many requests can be cached before items will be removed from the cache, and the setting Max Items
configures how many items will be left in the cache after it’s pruned. You should be able to find this file in the directory Assets/CesiumSettings/Resources
Thank you for your response. According to my observations, the Requests Per Cache Prune and Max Items settings only clear existing caches when Unity is closed, and this functionality appears to be unreliable as it has successfully cleared caches on only two occasions. Is it feasible to implement a mechanism to limit the maximum cache size during Unity’s runtime?