Increasing Render distance of tiles

I am simulating a vehicle at hypersonic speeds, thus it will be covering a lot of distance in the simulation. I want to use Cesium in Unreal Engine to display a realistic position of the vehicle. However, when I visualise the simulation, a number of the tiles have not rendered and I am not sure how to adjust this so that the world is loaded correctly and missing tiles are not visible as you can see in the attached image.

Hi @georgenehma,

Thanks for including an image of your issue. That does look like strange and unintended behavior.

We often see this issue when playing in Simulate mode. Can you check whether you’re using that mode? If you are, what happens if you switch to Selected Viewport? Here’s a screenshot of the options, to show what I mean:

Let us know if the play mode makes a difference. If not, we’ll keep trying to troubleshoot from there. Thank you!

Hi @janine

So I did that and it still didn’t work. But I followed this tutorial on Youtube ( to link the camera in the level blueprint. This fixed the issue on both the Unreal viewer and the Simulink video Viewer as can be seen.

Thanks for sharing your fix with the community, @georgenehma! I hadn’t realized you were using Simulink from the initial post, but I’m glad you were able to figure it out. :smile: