Introduction to the Cesium community


I am Gaurav Parida, 3rd year undergraduate research student working under Dr. K. S. Rajan at Lab for Spatial Informatics, IIIT Hyderabad. I would like to contribute to the cesium community, as the work done at cesium is related to the research at the lab. Last year, I took part in Google Summer of Code 2014 under Sugarlabs and wrote unit and integration tests as a part of the project. I would love to contribute to the community based on my experience and the guidance of the current developers.

As the beginning steps, I have already setup the developer environment and ran the hello world page as a part of the initial tutorial pages. As, I was setting up cesium on eclipse, I think I was unsuccessful in setting up cesium (see picture attached). In the console tab of eclipse, it shows build successful. Any help in solving the problem will be highly appreciated.

I saw the ideas page for gsoc’15 and I was interested in Cesium demos package and the sandcastle refactor project. As, my initial plan is to complete all the tutorials and then solve some beginner bugs. Is there any particular advice/documentation regarding the projects, that may help for the project. Should I build a mini prototype for the demos package?



Hi Gaurav,

Thanks for the introduction. Given your interest in the demos pack project, I would not worry about working on issues in Cesium as a way to get started. Instead, go through the tutorials as you mentioned, and prototype a demo app that you would be interested in working on over the summer. Please share your results here as you make progress.
