[Issue] Problems with Cesium and UE 5.5.3 on MacOS/iOS

Hello Fellow devs

I want to report some weird issues that I am having with Cesium for Unreal Version 2.13.3

I am getting these weird black spots when Cutting the geometry using a CesiumCartographicPolygon. The issue doesn’t exist on the Windows version of the project.

Windows Version

Also getting some build errors when packaging for iOS or Build with Xcode also for iOS. The cause seems to be CesiumPropertyTable.cpp because my Build stops and fails when reaching this point. Packaging(Developer) for MacOS seems to not give error but the Black spots issue persist and when I try to package(Shipping) Cesium doesn’t load the 3D Tiles.

I hope this report can help the community and developers to improve Cesium on Apple Platforms and If there are ways to solve these issues please let me know. :grin:

Regards! :smiley:
Have a nice weekend

Hi @Midgarq, welcome to the community!

I am getting these weird black spots when Cutting the geometry using a CesiumCartographicPolygon. The issue doesn’t exist on the Windows version of the project.

I don’t think you have said what platform you’re running on for these screenshots. I’m guessing macOS? What sort of Mac is this? We’re aware of some rendering problems on Intel Macs, but generally the Apple Silicon ones seem to work well.

That big black square is especially unusual. It looks like something over the top of your display, rather than a problem with the Cesium tiles themselves. I’m not sure what to make of it.

Does the clipping sample in the Cesium for Unreal Samples project work on your system?

Also getting some build errors when packaging for iOS or Build with Xcode also for iOS. The cause seems to be CesiumPropertyTable.cpp because my Build stops and fails when reaching this point.

This is most likely caused by running out of memory. Clang struggles with some of the templates used in the 3D Tiles 1.1 metadata system, and uses an unreasonable amount of memory to compile them. Please see here for a way to limit the number of simultaneous files that Unreal compiles, which will reduce the memory usage and allow the build to succeed:

when I try to package(Shipping) Cesium doesn’t load the 3D Tiles.

That’s very strange. Any error messages in the log?

@Kevin_Ring Thanks for your reply!

Blockquote I don’t think you have said what platform you’re running on for these screenshots. I’m guessing macOS? What sort of Mac is this? We’re aware of some rendering problems on Intel Macs, but generally the Apple Silicon ones seem to work well.

Yes, I got 2 versions of the project, one running on a Macbook pro M4 Max, which is the one with the black weird artifacts and a second one on Windows which runs very stable.

That big black square is especially unusual. It looks like something over the top of your display, rather than a problem with the Cesium tiles themselves. I’m not sure what to make of it.

It’s kind strange because it appears only when I rotate the scene in-game (MacOS). Windows version does not get this issue. The issue stops when I stop Cesium, so It’s somehow related. Also Black artifacts shows only when I am close to the area being cut by the CesiumCartographicPolygon. If I zoom out the black artifacts disappear.

Gonna do some test and will share my results tomorrow.


Hello @Kevin_Ring I hope you are doing fine :slight_smile:

After modifying the BuildConfigurator.xml with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Configuration xmlns="https://www.unrealengine.com/BuildConfiguration">

I am still getting this error when trying to package the project.

UATHelper: Packaging (IOS): ------ Building 4 action(s) started ------
UATHelper: Packaging (IOS): Took 2.03s to run dotnet, ExitCode=138
UATHelper: Packaging (IOS): UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (/Users/joseantonioalvarezcanache/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/LocalBuildLogs/UBA-CityHaus-IOS-Shipping.txt)
UATHelper: Packaging (IOS): AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 3s
UATHelper: Packaging (IOS): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=138 (138)
UATHelper: Packaging (IOS): RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully. Exited with code: 138
PackagingResults: Error: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully. Exited with code: 138
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

Is there other things I can tweak to make package process lighter?

My specs are:
Apple M4 Max
36gb Ram
MacOS 15.3.1

Thank you in advice for all the support :smiley: