I would like to share a recently discovered trick to achieve optimal rendering quality when converting pipelines from OBJ format to 3D Tiles using Cesium Ion. This approach involves an intermediate step of conversion to GLB format using the objtogltf tool.
Step 1: Conversion to GLB with objtogltf
The conversion to GLB format addresses various issues, including eliminating the 90-degree rotation induced by the Z-up coordinate system of OBJ models. This step avoids the need to manually modify tilset.json afterward, as indicated in the documentation (GitHub - OpenDroneMap/Obj2Tiles: Converts OBJ files to OGC 3D tiles by performing splitting, decimation and conversion). Furthermore, it facilitates accurate geolocation of the object by preserving the origin of the source model as a reference.
Step 2: Using Cesium Ion Tileset Generator with Tileset Position Adjustment
The second step involves using the Cesium Ion tileset generator with the photogrammetry option and adjusting the tileset position. This approach eliminates the need for manual modification of tilset.json, as suggested in the documentation (How to correctly position 3D models when tiling with Cesium ion).
I want to express gratitude to Hiroshi Yaginuma and the Cesium documentation (Cesium 3D Tiling Pipeline Reality Tiler) for shedding light on these crucial settings.
Question: Is the Cesium 3D Tiling Pipeline Reality Tiler the most suitable solution for fully automating the conversion process with precise settings?
In conclusion, to achieve a fully automated conversion process with precise settings and complete control over the final result, turning to the Cesium 3D Tiling Pipeline Reality Tiler appears to be a recommended option. This solution offers a variety of customizable options, paving the way for robust automation. What are your thoughts?