KML - Unsupported feature: ScreenOverlay

I got a problem when I load KML file with KmlDataSource. Here is the code to read KML file:

var options={
        canvas: viewer.scene.canvas
     var filename='../Apps/SampleData/kml/Gasometer_2/Gasometer_2.kml';
     viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.KmlDataSource.load(filename, options)).then(function(dataSource){

When I load this file,an error emerged. That is "KML - Unsupported feature: ScreenOverlay". And because of this, the data can't be loaded normally.

The file "Gasometer_2.kml" include "ScreenOverlay" as below:

        <name>Virtual City Model Berlin</name>
        <Snippet maxLines="1"></Snippet>
        <description><![CDATA[<a href="" align="center"><br />Virtual City Model Berlin</a>]]></description>
        <overlayXY x="0.5" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
        <screenXY x="0.5" y="80" xunits="fraction" yunits="pixels"/>
        <rotationXY x="0.5" y="0.5" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
        <size x="230" y="0" xunits="pixels" yunits="fraction"/>

Hope someone can help me get out of this problem. thx.


We don’t currently have ScreenOverlay implemented in Cesium. However, the rest of the document should still be processed correctly.

Does the KML file work when you remove the screen overlay?



在 2016年4月26日星期二 UTC+8下午10:21:10,Hannah Pinkos写道:


We don't currently have ScreenOverlay implemented in Cesium. However, the rest of the document should still be processed correctly.
Does the KML file work when you remove the screen overlay?



Actually,the document can be processed even if I don't remove ScreenOverlay. The problem is the file contains two part: a geometry file and a extruded file.See as following:

  <name>Display as geometry</name>

  <name>Display as extruded</name>

  And because Cesium don't support ScreenOverlay, the two part can't be integrated.The result is there are two layers in my Cesium viewer,which I think are LOD1 and LOD2.(I think maybe "Gasometer_2_Tile_0_0_extruded.kml" represent LOD1 and "Gasometer_2_Tile_0_0_geometry.kml" represent LOD2.)
  So what I actually want to know is how to integrate two or more LODs.If I can get your email address, I can show you the files I have loaded.
  Anyway,thanks for your help.

Ah okay. I think the problem is that Cesium doesn’t currently support KML regions for doing LOD. My suggestions would be to only add the extrueded geometry.
