Las v1.4 classes reclassified to 0

Does Cesium Ion support las version 1.4. I’m having issues with point clouds that have higher classifications that 20 being reclassified to 0 during it’s import.

Yes, we support the LAS 1.4 spec.

Could you give me the asset ID of your point cloud data, and I can take a closer look at what is happening with your classification values?


Here is the Asset ID: 2512257

Thanks, I’ll take a look.

I’ve identified an issue with LAZ file handling.

You can use laszip from to decompress your file to LAS and upload that. The expected classification values should be there.

That should get you going until we can address this and put out a new release.


We have a fix that should be released early May.

Until then you can use the LAS workaround.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.