Load local terrain,Someone help me,save me!

It can be loaded by using the cesiumlab publishing service,But I can’t load it when I publish it with nginx。I’m going crazy!Loading into cesium is OK, but loading into cesium for UE4 is not OK。

Does it show any error messages when you want to load it? (In the output log, via the “Window” Menu → Developer Tools → Output Log). Or does it simply not show anything? Otherwise: Can you provide more details about the terrain (i.e. the type and structure of the terrain, its format or other technical information)?

error messages

LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL
LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL done
LogCesium: Warning: [2021-08-04 18:02:04.619] [warning] [TileContentFactory.cpp:74] No loader registered for tile with content type ‘application/octet-stream’ and magic value ’
LogCesium: Warning: [2021-08-04 18:02:04.636] [warning] [TileContentFactory.cpp:74] No loader registered for tile with content type ‘application/octet-stream’ and magic value ’

Thank you for your reply,
error messages

LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL
LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL done
LogCesium: Warning: [2021-08-04 18:02:04.619] [warning] [TileContentFactory.cpp:74] No loader registered for tile with content type ‘application/octet-stream’ and magic value ’
LogCesium: Warning: [2021-08-04 18:02:04.636] [warning] [TileContentFactory.cpp:74] No loader registered for tile with content type ‘application/octet-stream’ and magic value ’

The part that says magic value ’ looks truncated (it should actually say what the unknown magic value was). Are you able to share one of these assets, so that it is possible to have a closer look what might be wrong there?

EDIT: Does it work when you try to load this asset from a local file, using the file protocol, as described in Adding Datasets – Cesium ?

If this works, then there might just be something wrong with the local server that is running there. (But again: Without further details, these are just guesses for now…)

terrain.rar (1.3 MB)

Here is a small part of what I just packed,And my nginx configuration

It should technically be possible to load the data, but I think there are two issues:

  1. It might be that the input data is not compliant to the specification - but I am not sure about this! When I load it locally, it does not look very detailed, and I’m not sure whether this is the result that you’d expect:

    If it is not, then this might be related to the way how the “Tile Availability” is encoded. I’d have to point you to Terrain loading failed in CTB production for now.

  2. I’m not an nginx expert, but I think that the webserver might not configured properly. (I loaded it locally from a file, with a crude workaround for another issue …).
    Specifically: For Quantized Mesh tiles, the tile type is determined based on the Content-Type of the network response. And in order to properly detect this, the Content-Type must be "application/vnd.quantized-mesh" when a quantized mesh tile is requested.
    Maybe you already know where or how to configure this in the nginx config file. Otherwise, I’d ask someone who is more familiar with that topic to chime in here.

(Sorry, this is not a perfectly satisfactory answer, but hopefully helps a bit to investigate that further…)

the key point is set Content-Type "application/vnd.quantized-mesh",maybe need configure the nginx

I have the same problem.