Load tileset failed by crossing complie for windows to linux

It is running normal in Unreal Editor 5.3.2, but when I was packaged by cross complie in windows to linux, and run in linux, it can not show the model in map, and an error logged in log file.

[2023.11.20-06.55.23:301][997]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:23.301] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

it is running well in editor

and failed in ubuntu 22.04.

the cesium for unreal version is v2.0.0

I’m not sure what might cause that. Can you give us detailed instructions for reproducing the error, and we can take a look?

i just run the sample project. and add a Blank 3d Tiles Tileset. and put the source url. and change the lattitude and longitude.

the source url is https://data.mars3d.cn/3dtiles/max-shihua/tileset.json

and the lattitude is 31.655 , longitude is 117.086

i got this source file from http://mars3d.cn/editor-vue.html?id=layer-tileset/style/custom-style

i also add the PixelStreaming plugin to the project.

[2023.11.20-06.55.20:528][ 0]LogCesium: Display: Caching Cesium requests in /data8T/zengzhiyong/windowspackage/3dtilesDemo/Engine/cesium-request-cache.sqlite
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:533][ 0]LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL https://gitee.com/takethegame/mars3d-max-shihua-3dtiles/raw/master/tileset.json
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:533][ 0]LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL https://gitee.com/takethegame/mars3d-max-shihua-3dtiles/raw/master/tileset.json done
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:533][ 0]LogCesium: Loading tileset for asset ID 1
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:533][ 0]LogCesium: Loading tileset for asset ID 1 done
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:534][ 0]LogLoad: Took 0.017936 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/CesiumSamples/Maps/01/01_CesiumWorld)
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:534][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000146 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Faces/RobotoRegular.ufont’ (155K)
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:534][ 0]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1280x720, mode WindowedFullscreen.
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:539][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000173 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf’ (155K)
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:539][ 0]LogRHI: Display: ShaderPipelineCache: Paused Batching. 1
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:539][ 0]LogPixelStreaming: PixelStreaming streamer ID: DefaultStreamer
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:539][ 0]LogPixelStreaming: Warning: PixelStreamingIP and PixelStreamingPort are deprecated flags. Use PixelStreamingURL instead. eg. -PixelStreamingURL=ws://localhost:8887
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:539][ 0]LogPixelStreamingSS: Connecting to SS ws://localhost:8887
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:539][ 0]LogPakFile: AllPaks IndexSizes: DirectoryHashSize=174448, PathHashSize=16, EntriesSize=21840, TotalSize=196304
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:539][ 0]LogRHI: Display: ShaderPipelineCache: Resumed Batching. 0
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:539][ 0]LogRHI: Display: ShaderPipelineCache: Batching Resumed.
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:541][ 0]LogInit: Display: Engine is initialized. Leaving FEngineLoop::Init()
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:541][ 0]LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total time: 0.78 seconds
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:546][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2733969930
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2927517
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 3164142321
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 3736579509
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2475944741
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2404606056
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2676621463
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 4211940347
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 3494327179
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 869172961
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 1955355383
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 3398767472
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:547][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1124893485
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 701929132
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2662182963
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1014238086
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 863886283
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2651323192
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1556964629
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 3283190940
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1321656007
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 3650687107
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 946252748
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2802390523
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 389812175
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 1425514439
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1715088363
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 3958455955
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:548][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 1589068584
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2307716412
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 3938216830
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 373729366
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2043914252
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1324101484
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 1681160966
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 555565606
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 792051733
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:549][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 354128763
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2191382746
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 892695069
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 4233039747
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1212841502
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 582517891
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1626999884
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2041623791
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 1631417980
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 3222825807
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 1516008713
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:550][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 3548344187
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:551][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 771412036
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:551][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 405261895
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:551][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 3143776437
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:551][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 622114511
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:552][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 4216104021
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:576][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 3276538848
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:583][ 0]LogInit: Adding external input plugin.
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:583][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2762062500
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:583][ 0]LogContentStreaming: Texture pool size now 1000 MB
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:584][ 1]LogPixelStreamingSS: Connected to SS ws://localhost:8887
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:590][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 4221939337
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:590][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2613599444
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:591][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1947097751
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:591][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1542131698
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:591][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1829123846
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:591][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2817482814
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:591][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 2311611381
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:591][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 191079351
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:591][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 452947862
[2023.11.20-06.55.20:591][ 3]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 455520727
[2023.11.20-06.55.21:436][317]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.436] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:686] Error when parsing tileset JSON, error code 3 at byte offset 0

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:607][364]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.607] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:686] Error when parsing tileset JSON, error code 3 at byte offset 0

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:612][366]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.612] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:631][373]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.631] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:650][380]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.650] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:650][380]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.650] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:653][381]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.653] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:685][393]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.685] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:699][398]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.699] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:699][398]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.699] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:686] Error when parsing tileset JSON, error code 3 at byte offset 0

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:701][399]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.701] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:712][403]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.712] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:722][407]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.722] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:737][412]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.737] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:745][415]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.744] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:772][425]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.772] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:801][436]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.800] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:686] Error when parsing tileset JSON, error code 3 at byte offset 0

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:844][452]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.844] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:844][452]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.844] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:857][457]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.856] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:878][465]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.878] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:891][470]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.891] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:891][470]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.891] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:893][471]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.893] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:920][481]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.920] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:931][485]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.931] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:949][492]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.949] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.21:949][492]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:21.949] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:020][518]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.020] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:022][519]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.022] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:065][535]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.065] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:071][537]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.070] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:071][537]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.071] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:076][539]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.076] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:112][553]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.112] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:127][558]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.127] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:226][595]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.226] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:231][597]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.231] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:255][606]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.255] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:263][609]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.263] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:303][624]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.303] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:329][634]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.329] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:335][636]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.335] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:340][638]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.340] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:347][640]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.346] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:347][640]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.346] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:353][643]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.353] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:353][643]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.353] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:361][646]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.361] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:414][666]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.414] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:430][672]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.430] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:465][685]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.465] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:465][685]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.465] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:476][689]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.476] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:511][702]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.511] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:532][710]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.532] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:534][711]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.534] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:537][712]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.537] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:542][714]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.542] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:545][715]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.545] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:555][719]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.555] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:597][735]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.597] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:632][748]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.632] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:663][758]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2980598916
[2023.11.20-06.55.22:663][758]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2500596088
[2023.11.20-06.55.22:663][758]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 356594567
[2023.11.20-06.55.22:666][760]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.666] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:666][760]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.666] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:668][761]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.668] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:676][764]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.676] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:722][781]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.721] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:727][783]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.727] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:738][787]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.738] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:738][787]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.738] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:738][787]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.738] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:759][795]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.759] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:762][796]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.762] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:775][801]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.775] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:823][819]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.823] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:839][825]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.839] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:866][835]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.866] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:686] Error when parsing tileset JSON, error code 3 at byte offset 0

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:909][851]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.909] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:909][851]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.909] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:916][854]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.916] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:939][862]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.939] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.22:946][865]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:22.946] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:686] Error when parsing tileset JSON, error code 3 at byte offset 0

[2023.11.20-06.55.23:030][896]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:23.030] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.23:063][908]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:23.063] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.23:143][938]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:23.143] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.23:301][997]LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-20 14:55:23.301] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: bad any cast

[2023.11.20-06.55.27:763][656]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 4099857885
[2023.11.20-06.55.27:764][656]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2620452806
[2023.11.20-06.55.27:764][656]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 4241126404
[2023.11.20-06.55.27:764][656]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 3080837297
[2023.11.20-06.55.27:764][656]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new compute PSO: 1540249480
[2023.11.20-06.55.27:798][660]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 3017864198
[2023.11.20-06.55.27:798][660]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 2747554637
[2023.11.20-06.55.27:799][660]LogRHI: Display: Encountered a new graphics PSO: 49764657
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:195][311]LogPixelStreamingSS: Got player connected, player id=11
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:195][311]LogPixelStreaming: Not using -PixelStreamingExperimentalAudioInput. Pixel Streaming audio will only transmit the UE submix.
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:196][311]LogPixelStreaming: WebRTC has requested audio playout in UE be: stereo
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:205][311]LogPixelStreaming: Error: Selected codec was not a supported codec, falling back to negotiating codecs…
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:205][311]LogPixelStreaming: OnRenegotiationNeeded
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:206][311]LogPixelStreaming: Error: Selected codec was not a supported codec, falling back to negotiating codecs…
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:206][311]LogPixelStreaming: OnSignalingChange (HaveLocalOffer)
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:207][312]LogPixelStreamingSS: Sending player=11 “offer” to SS ws://localhost:8887
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:207][312]LogPixelStreaming: OnIceGatheringChange (IceGatheringGathering)
[2023.11.20-06.55.38:295][344]LogPixelStreaming: OnSignalingChange (Stable)

I uploaded my project to github. this is the address https://github.com/takethegame/notebook/blob/master/CesiumforUnrealSamples.zip

i try it on ue5.0.3 and roll back the cesium version. it works.

Seems fixed in v2.7.1