In my own personal project, I am getting an issue with the tilesets not loading. It works fine in editor and when I press play, but when i package I see the blue globe and no data.
I tested it with the Cesium For Unreal samples for 5.3.2, and when i load it, it works in the editor, but when I simply package the game, I get the image that is attached. It looks like the same issue.
I do not see an error in the logs per se.
I looked through the other forum posts, and I am not sure if this is a network issue or could it be something else?
Thank you
Cesium for Unreal samples
My packaged game:
These are the only errors during the startup to packaging process:
LogClass: Error: StructProperty FCesiumSampleHeightResult::LongitudeLatitudeHeight is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumSampleHeightResult.h
LogClass: Error: BoolProperty FCesiumSampleHeightResult::SampleSuccess is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumSampleHeightResult.h
LogAutomationTest: Error: UObject.Class AttemptToFindUninitializedScriptStructMembers will be marked as failing due to errors being logged
LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: StructProperty FCesiumSampleHeightResult::LongitudeLatitudeHeight is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumSampleHeightResult.h
LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: BoolProperty FCesiumSampleHeightResult::SampleSuccess is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumSampleHeightResult.h
I noticed something similar yesterday. We started getting this error in our logs:
strong text [2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][808]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: request failed, libcurl error: 60 (SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][808]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 0 ( Trying…)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 1 (Connected to api.cesium.com ( port 443)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 2 (ALPN: curl offers http/1.1)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 3 (TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 4 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 5 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 6 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 7 (TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS alert, unknown CA (560)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 8 (SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate)
[2024.10.24-14.28.23:917][809]LogHttp: Warning: 000001D8F3DC0200: libcurl info message cache 9 (Closing connection)
See anything similar?
Yes that is the same error that I am getting in the logs. Could it be an issue with the certs on my machine?
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: request failed, libcurl error: 60 (SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 0 (Found bundle for host: 0x21c865dd960 [serially])
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 1 (Hostname 'api.cesium.com' was found in DNS cache)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 2 ( Trying
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 3 (Connected to api.cesium.com ( port 443)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 4 (ALPN: curl offers http/1.1)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 5 (TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 6 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 7 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 8 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 9 (TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS alert, unknown CA (560):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 10 (SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFCBB0: libcurl info message cache 11 (Closing connection)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: request failed, libcurl error: 60 (SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 0 (Found bundle for host: 0x21c865dd960 [serially])
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 1 (Hostname 'api.cesium.com' was found in DNS cache)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 2 ( Trying
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 3 (Connected to api.cesium.com ( port 443)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 4 (ALPN: curl offers http/1.1)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 5 (TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 6 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 7 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 8 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 9 (TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS alert, unknown CA (560):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 10 (SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD5CFC5E0: libcurl info message cache 11 (Closing connection)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: request failed, libcurl error: 60 (SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 0 ( Trying
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 1 (Connected to api.cesium.com ( port 443)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 2 (ALPN: curl offers http/1.1)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 3 (TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 4 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 5 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 6 (TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 7 (TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS alert, unknown CA (560):)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 8 (SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:119][ 1]LogHttp: Warning: 0000021CD016A8D0: libcurl info message cache 9 (Closing connection)
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:123][ 1]LogCesium: Error: [2024-10-24 11:28:46.124] [error] [RasterOverlayCollection.cpp:130] Error while creating tile provider: Request failed.
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:123][ 1]LogCesium: Error: [2024-10-24 11:28:46.124] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:893] An unexpected error occurred when loading tile: Request failed.
[2024.10.24-15.28.46:124][ 1]LogCesium: Error: [2024-10-24 11:28:46.124] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:893] An unexpected error occurred when loading tile: Request failed.
I am currently working with their support team but no fix yet. Seems they renewed their AWS certificates this week and it could be the cause. Ill keep you posted.
1 Like
I can confirm that installing that cert manually fixed my issue. I am able to get imagery in my packaged game now.
Refer to this post for more guidance: KNOWN ISSUE: Tilesets not loading in packaged Unreal apps - #16 by ZenithEdge
I did a windows update but that didnt give me the cert, so I had to grab it from here:
Amazon Trust Services Repository
Not sure if I am allowed to post the link, please let me know and I will delete.