When this file was loaded in unity’s log, it happened: Composite tile does not contain any loadable inner tiles.
The model itself is very simple, with two pieces and one map for each attachment
A crash has been intercepted by the crash handler. For call stack and other details, see the latest crash report generated in:
Curl error 6: Could not resolve host: cdp.cloud.unity3d.com
I want to know if it’s my conversion process
The crash reports are as follows: Editor.zip (137.5 KB)
This can be opened. @Kevin_Ring
Is there a model that does not support 3dmax modeling conversion? My model uses a mesh with a composite material (two material balls at the same time), is that the reason? I don’t know much about data structures, and I want to know if it’s the model itself or the transformation process
The problem seems to be my use of the conversion tool. After I converted again, there was no problem. I guess my colleague did not use GBK coding in the conversion process.
The next problem was that I found that the tileset files I converted were too large, one was 85m and one was 23m The converted file has been attached. Thank you for your help to check how to use the original size. obj’s original map size totaled less than 1M
The cause of the operation crash should be a problem with the conversion process, which is no longer the case after the reconversion. There is also the problem of large stickers, which has also been solved, that is, when modeling the larger map Settings, although the compression processing jpg image file size is reduced, but the size and clarity have not changed