it crashed when loading local 3dtiles, unreal engine 5.3.2, plugin version 2.14.1
rapidjson::CrtAllocator,rapidjson::CrtAllocator> const & __ptr64,rapidjson::GenericDocument<rapidjson::UTF8,rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator
rapidjson::CrtAllocator,rapidjson::CrtAllocator> const & __ptr64,std::span<std::byte const ,-1> const & __ptr64,std::span<std::byte const ,-1> const & __ptr64,CesiumGltf::Model & __ptr64) 0x00007ffde3bbb570
however it works on cesium for unreal plugin 2.6.0
Hi @Alex_Memory, welcome to the community!
Can you please tell us what tileset you were loading when you got this error? If you’re able to share it with us so that we can reproduce the problem ourselves, that’s even better!
By the way, it’s worth mentioning that v2.6.0 didn’t have support for i3dm at all. So while it might not have crashed in that release, I don’t think it would have loaded this model successfully, either.
Cesium for Unreal shouldn’t be crashing in any case, but one possible cause is that the i3dm it’s loading here is somehow invalid. It may be worth running your tileset through the 3d-tiles-validator to see if it can identify a problem. If so, that may help you work around the crash, and it will also help us identify the source of the crash.