MDL to DAE conversion

Does AGI provide any means to convert MDL to COLLADA? I'm currently looking to edit our custom models in Blender. They are currently in MDL format with articulations. Blender will read in COLLADA *.dae files. Would I still need to convert to that? Also, will I be able to push back out to COLLADA with articulations?



Hi Will,

AGI develops a commercial MDL-to-glTF converter, connect with Todd Smith,

As for COLLADA, if you are able to convert MDL articulations to COLLADA animations, then Cesium’s online converter will convert them to glTF animations.


Thanks, but that’s not exactly what I’m looking for. Our main STK guy uses model files in the MDL format for his animations. He says he can use COLLDA, but I think seem to think he prefers MDL. I’m not terribly familiar enough with either format to know if they will both suffice his needs, which are to make use of visually appealing models with articulations.

Their previous modeler works in another group, so now I’m they guy. My experience is with Blender and I have a library of applicable models I’d like to use. I need to be able to work with the models he already has and create new ones for him.

So why am I posting this in the Cesium group? Mostly because I found conversion instructions via command line in a Cesium help PDF. I can find it on Monday if you need it.

Hi Will,

I don’t think there is an MDL to COLLADA converter, but please ask Todd AGI-specific questions like this.

There are a few other folks on this forum with MDL experience who may also be able to chime in.



Thanks. How do I reach Todd?

His email is