Model Heading not showing proper to given sample cesium model

Hello developers,

Actually my problem is that the Heading is not showing properly in cesium sample model. The data which i getting from live broadcast feeds.
if i put that heading to air or ground model its show me the heading or bearing in different direction.

This is my sample code:
var EntityToUpdate = viewer.entities.getById(_ENTITYNAME);

var newCoords = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(_LNG, _LAT, _ALT);
var newPosition = new Cesium.ConstantPositionProperty(newCoords);
EntityToUpdate.position = newPosition;

//Passing Orientation to the Model Entity
var neworientation = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(newCoords, (Cesium.Math.toRadians(_HDG)), 0, 0);
EntityToUpdate.orientation = neworientation;

The Above sample code is updating the Entity Model with new positions and orientation. but with the positions respectively the model need to be pointing to that given particular direction but its showing different direction heading.
and i try the "Cesium.VelocityOrientationProperty()" method its working fine with multiple positions. but i am getting live feed at time, so this method in not useful to me.

So is i am doing something wrong to pass the heading data to sample cesium models.
Guide me with some sample code.
Thank You Guys.

Note : If i am using other free model over cesium model so its working fine but i want to use the Cesium Air and Ground Model.


Have you seen our interpolation example?

This automatically orients your model based on the positions, so you don’t need to set a heading.

Otherwise, it’s possible that you’re running into this problem:



Yeah i already saw that example and method and above i mention it, but its not i want.
" i try the "Cesium.VelocityOrientationProperty()" method its working fine with multiple positions. but i am getting live feed at time, so this method in not useful to me. "
or it is any trick to pass the heading to sample model. because the heading which i pass its show different direction.
so, please could you tell me what the problem becoz i didnt get it.

thank you for the reply.