Model without textures

Hello,I have been playing around with the new model support.

I exported a building collada model using CityEngine which belongs to Esri. then I used the collada2gltf convter to convert the collada model to glTF. At last, I put the building model on Cesium.But the model appeared without textures.

So I thought that the collada model exported from CityEngine may be the problem.But when I opened it with Google SketchUp, the collada model displayed with textures.

Could you help me with the problem?

Attached Files

collada open with sketchup.png (2.38 MB)

gltf.png (2.38 MB)

Thanks for the detailed report. This is a bug in the converter. See #253.

I attached a workaround, which you can use to replace Philadelphia.json. In the file, this just replaces “TEXCOORD_0” with “TEXCOORD_2”


Philadelphia.json (11.1 KB)

Thanks a lot, it works.

But I still have a prolblem, there are thousands of collada models exported from Cityengine. As a result, It’s impossibe for me to convert the models one by one like the way you just said.

So could you help me with a more general method to get the right glTF models.


在 2014年3月21日星期五UTC+8上午6时46分09秒,Patrick Cozzi写道:

You could write a simple script to automate it. With sed, it will be something like:

sed -b -i s/TEXCOORD_0/TEXCOORD_2/g filename.glsl

You could also contribute a fix to #253.



Yestoday,I loaded thousands glTF models on cesium.The system became very slow,and not fluent.

So do you have any idea of how to load large quantities of glTF models on Cesium?

在 2014年3月24日星期一UTC+8下午9时36分55秒,Patrick Cozzi写道:

We have not optimized for a large number of models yet. In the meantime, there are some ideas here:!topic/cesium-dev/IabdqdVqRFc


We deployed a new version of the model converter that should fix the original issue:
