Hi @ptrgags Peter,
I use the 1.91 with enableModelExperimental= true
I had a 3DTileset, for which I set the height
uncommnt the enableModelExperimental= false
everything works fine.
I use a shift in height, skipLevelOfDetail is set to true also.
const myelement = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
url: primitive.url,
skipLevelOfDetail: primitive.skipLevelOfDetail,
show: primitive.active,
myelement.readyPromise.then(() => {
// const height = -94.3;
const height = -47.5;
const cartographic = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian(myelement.boundingSphere.center);
const surface = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(cartographic.longitude, cartographic.latitude, 0.0);
const offset = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(cartographic.longitude, cartographic.latitude, height);
const translation = Cesium.Cartesian3.subtract(offset, surface, new Cesium.Cartesian3());
myelement.modelMatrix = Cesium.Matrix4.fromTranslation(translation);
Isn’t this supported in modelExperimental ?
I have to use the 1.91 because in the later versios we have problems with events.