Two separate models which I’m trying to convert are failing, each with a different error message.
Model 1; 20gb photogrammetry OBJ. After 30+ hours of tiling, received the following error during Generate Tiles stage:
Using 29 processes, estimate max memory use: 59392 MB
working on 89 models
temp directory is C:\path\to\temp
Check input files [====================] 89/89(100%) 0.0 seconds
Convert models [====================] 89/89(100%) 57.4 seconds
done loading and converting files: 1:01.168 (m:ss.mmm)
target voxel count: 46150
Map density [====================] 178/178(100%) 10.1 seconds
generating density grid: 10.099s
subdividing density grid: 121.058ms
voxel subdivision results: 2527
intermediate bounding boxes: 1019
subtree roots: 1508
Generate Tiles [= ] 114/2527(4%) 118068.8 seconds
forked worker terminated unexpectedly: 3221225477
Model 2; 12gb surface mesh (converted from point cloud), tiling as photogrammetry OBJ. Fails during convertion stage:
Using 29 processes, estimate max memory use: 59392 MB
working on 1 models
temp directory is C:\path\to\temp
Check input files [====================] 1/1(100%) 0.0 seconds
Convert models [ ] 0/1(0%) 0.0 secondsnode:internal/validators:92
throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, `>= ${min} && <= ${max}`, value);
RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "length" is out of range. It must be >= 0 && <= 2147483647. Received 3323992144
at Object.write (node:fs:817:5)
at Object.write (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:880:29)
at writeAll (node:fs:2064:6)
at node:fs:2126:7
at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (node:fs:188:23) {
Workerpool Worker terminated Unexpectedly
exitCode: `1`
signalCode: `null`
workerpool.script: `C:\snapshot\swayze\lib\SteelDawnWorker.js`
spawnArgs: `C:\...\bin\model-tiler.exe,C:\snapshot\swayze\lib\SteelDawnWorker.js`
spawnfile: `C:\...\bin\model-tiler.exe`
stdout: `null`
stderr: `null`
For the second model, I will make several smaller objs from the single 12gb one to see if that makes a difference, as it seems like a file size issue. Still unsure though - I’ll report back on this one.
The first model is made up from 89 smaller objs, we’ve tiled models of this size before FYI. 3221225477 seems to be an NTSTATUS code STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
System details | |
Processor | Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz (2 processors) |
Installed RAM | 64.0 GB |
System type | 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor |
Edition | Windows 10 Enterprise |
Version | 21H2 |
OS build | 19044.1889 |
Experience | Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0 |
Cores | 20 |
Logical processors | 40 |
100GB of free disk space. Tiling pipeline version 4.5.5