Error while tiling using offline model-tiler

Hi, we are trying to tile the 3D models using offline model-tiler.exe and exploring different input types such as PHOTOGRAMETRY, BIM, CAD, OTHER and 3DSCAN. We are currently facing the issue when we use PHOTOGRAMETRY and 3DSCAN as input type. I have attached the screenshot of the errors for the reference. Please let us know the possible issue that is causing the error. Thank you.
Screenshot (10)


I apologize that you are seeing this error. Would you be able to provide us with the command you used to run the job that gave the above error? Also any sample data would be useful too so that we can reproduce what you may be seeing. Is this the same error you are always seeing for all different types of inputs?


Hi Ankit. Thanks for your response.
I cannot share the dataset that we are using due to sensitivity, here is the command that we are using to tile a specific model “model-tiler -I PHOTOGRAMMETRY -i C:\Users\admin\Desktop\folder\folder\model.obj -o Photogrammetry_TilesDT --longitude=-51.59401655197145 --latitude=22.33681744648965 --height=0 --input-up-axis=Z”

Also I would like to know which of these input types give us the best rendering quality, “PHOTOGRAMMETRY” or “BIM” or “CAD” or “3DSCAN”. Right now we are using input type “OTHER” to tile our models. We wanted to explore which input type gives us the best rendering quality on the same dataset, that is when we are getting this error for input type PHOTOGRAMMETRY and 3DSCAN.


I have opened an internal ticket for the team to look at this error that you are seeing but it might take the team longer to debug without any sample data. To gather more information for the team: you did say you are getting errors when using the PHOTOGRAMMETRY and 3DSCAN option. Do the BIM, CAD and OTHER work okay for you with your dataset?

As for the input choices, the visual quality depends upon the source type of your data and the quality of the source data itself. All the options try to tile data at the highest quality possible and hence the choice is only dependent upon the type of your source data.

The recommended options are if you have mesh data produced from a photogrammetry software, PHOTOGRAMMETRY would be the recommended choice. If you have a mesh produced by scanners or LiDAR, 3DScan would be the recommended choice. An example of that might be a scan of a building and or of a city. For other 3D models produced by computer software, CAD is the best choice. BIM is recommended for 3D buildings created by architecture software. And for any other type of data that may not fit into the above or if you are unsure the recommended option would be to use OTHER.


Hi Ankit, Thanks for your response.

Yes we are getting error for PHOTOGRAMMETRY and 3DSCAN, all other input types are working fine for our data. As you suggested we will look into our dataset and come back. And thanks for the information of these input types.

Thanks for the support.