I'm having an issue with changing the frustum in 3D Mode. For some of the things we do, we want to have an Orthographic projection of the globe. As i understand it, I simply change the camera frustum and all should be well. Is this a bug, or am i missing something fundamental in changing the camera frustum and causing this render error? Thanks; code / error is below.
the following code throws the render error in the Cesium Sandcastle for reproducibility.
var widget = new Cesium.CesiumWidget('cesiumContainer');
var canvas = widget.scene.canvas;
var camera = widget.scene.camera;
var radius = 7000000;
var orthoFrustum = new Cesium.OrthographicFrustum();
orthoFrustum.right = radius * Math.PI;
orthoFrustum.left = -orthoFrustum.right;
orthoFrustum.top = orthoFrustum * (canvas.clientHeight / canvas.clientWidth);
orthoFrustum.bottom = - orthoFrustum.top;
orthoFrustum.near = 0.01 * radius;
orthoFrustum.far = 50 * radius;
camera.frustum = orthoFrustum;
I cannot get to the exact error on this machine but the trace is roughly as follows:
Error has occurred while rendering:
RangeError: Invalid array length; frustumCommands in
undateFrustums - > createPotentiallyVisibleSet - > render;