This is a bit off-topic, but I'm trying to package a project which
is based on Cesium, and is trying to use a similar AMD-style
modular structure, but I can’t seem to make it work. Maybe someone
with a lot more JS experience can immediately point out what’s
wrong with my approach.
I’m trying to use node,
r.js and almond to achieve this. The very same code / modules work
fine when looked at from a browser, and using a requirejs-style
The code in question is
one can see a
‘source-version’ here:
- this takes very long to download as it downloads hundreds of
javascript files one by one. this is the very reason I want to
pack all this into a single file.
the project is dependent on
dojo and Cesium: with
their source code being here:
I have the modules located
in my lib directory, side by side, with lib/Cesium, lib/dojo and
lib/OpenAviationMap (the latter being my code). I have a working
dojo-config, main.js, etc. that describe my module. this can be
successfully loaded by dojo’s requirejs (as visible on the
oam-WebGL URL above)
now, I’m trying to pack my
module, with all it’s dependencies (or without, both would be
fine) into a single file, using node, r.js and almond. for this,
I’ve created a build.js file in lib/OpenAviationMap (not in my
repo), which looks like:
baseUrl: '.',
include: ['OpenAviationMap'],
insertRequire: ['OpenAviationMap'],
out: 'tmp/ize.js',
wrap : true,
useStrict : true,
optimizeCss : 'standard',
paths: {
Cesium: '../Cesium/Source',
dojo: '../dojo-release-1.9.1/dojo',
dojox: '../dojo-release-1.9.1/dojox',
and then I run the
following from within lib/OpenAviationMap:
mkdir tmp
…/Cesium/ThirdParty/requirejs-2.1.6/r.js -o build.js
now this will create a
single file, tmp/ize.js, which looks fine, but when I try to use
it, my module, OpenAviationMap, is not reachable. I’m attempting
to use this in the following manner from within
<title>Open Aviation Map WebGL
var CESIUM_BASE_URL = './';
@import url(Widgets/Viewer/Viewer.css);
@import url(../../../var/oam.css);
<div id="cesiumContainer"
<div id="toolbar"></div>
var widget = new
OpenAviationMap.OamViewer({ container : ‘cesiumContainer’ });
interestingly, the very
same call works if I ‘requirejs’ the modules. moreover, with the
above I can actually make the Cesium dependency work, that is,
this works fine:
var cesiumWidget = new
but my module is not
I wonder what I’m doing