May 22, 2024, 7:59am
场景中没有任何内容,进入到特定地点时,地表出现闪烁的现象,看起来像是 ion server中没有对应地块的影像贴图,导致cesium不断增加tick循环请求影像数据,看到下面的Ticks Queue 从20增加到240,导致场景出现严重卡顿现象。我认为这是导致Game出现耗时过大的情况.
I’m not sure why your ticks are taking so long, but the rendering artifact looks like you’re seeing this issue:
opened 11:04AM - 03 Nov 23 UTC
Originally reported on the community forum:
https://community.cesium.com/t/tile… s-constantly-glitching-in-certain-zones/27648
In this one particular spot, near latitude 49.9889 longitude -113.410537, there's a very strange flickery visual glitch in Cesium World Terrain when you move the camera in close to the surface. The problem goes away when the Cesium3DTileset Actor is selected. It also goes away when you turn off Unreal's Occlusion Culling (Edit->Project Settings->Engine->Rendering->Culling).
I believe what is happening is that Unreal is changing its mind every other frame about whether or not these tiles are occluded. So one frame they're rendered, the next they're not, and so on. If you do `r.VisualizeOccludedPrimitives 1` in the console, Unreal highlights these flickery tiles in green, indicating that they are occluded (at least some of the time):
<img width="694" alt="image" src="https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-unreal/assets/924374/572cf1c9-f48c-49a9-acac-e30d3a891edb">
This is with "Suspend Update" enabled, so I don't think there's any possibility that we're accidentally toggling the tile's visibility on and off.
I have no idea what's causing this occlusion ping-pong, though. Seems like it kind of has to be an Unreal Engine bug, but hard to say for sure. I tested with UE 5.1.1.
If so, disabling Unreal’s occlusion culling should fix it.
May 22, 2024, 9:20am
lng: 112.671284
lat: 21.84664
球面高程信息ion id=2426648 与 遥感影像ion id=3,才会有这个问题
显卡为 Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060
Did you try disabling Unreal’s occlusion culling? Did it help?
Or best understand at the moment is that this is an Unreal bug. We don’t know how to work around it on our side, if it’s possible at all, other than by disabling occlusion culling.