Packaging Cesium for Unreal on Windows error

When I try to package my project with Cesium for Unreal 5 I get the following error.

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): ERROR: Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named ‘CesiumRuntime’ in . This type must derive from the ‘ModuleRules’ type defined by Unreal Build Tool.

I googled a bit and this seems to be a known error and the suggested fix is to copy the plugin into the project folder but when I do that I get a duplicate key error.

Has anyone resolved this issue before?

Hi @Intoccabile,

Can you share more of your log? There could be an earlier error that is the root cause. Have you install Cesium for Unreal from the Epic Marketplace?

One thing to check: are there old remnants of Cesium for Unreal kicking around your project directory? Perhaps the output directory from a previous package?
