Cesium ion should place it at the right place on the globe automatically, unless the geographic location isn’t in the LAS file itself.
Are there are any sidecar files in the same directory that contain the location info for your point cloud? Can you share your asset ID for the asset on Cesium ion?
The problem is that this LAS file does not contain a coordinate system, so Cesium ion doesn’t know where to place it on the globe. Perhaps ArcGIS Pro is using some default coordinate system? Do you know what coordinate system this LAS file is in?
I would search the ArcGIS docs/support to see if there’s a way to edit the coordinate system and re-save it with that info. Otherwise commandline tools like pdal, lastools, etc may allow you to modify the coordinate system in your LAS files.
I have managed to add the coordinate system with FME, it puts the LAS in its X and Y position but in the Z when loading the Cesium World Terrain it comes out below.
How far off is the height position? If it only needs to be moved a very small amount to be visible, my guess is the point cloud is in the right position, it’s just exactly on top of Cesium World Terrain. There’s a few ways to resolve it if that’s the case, see the discussion here: How to get more zoom level on 3D Tiles with Terrain.
Otherwise, it might be that the vertical datum in the LAS file is incorrect or not supported. Note that heights in CesiumJS are relative to the ellipsoid.
You would need to convert the LAS to a GeoTIFF, which would be a single band raster file where the color is the elevation, and then you can upload that to Cesium ion to create terrain/combine it with Cesium World Terrain.
I tried with another LAZ (from LIDAR and official source of Spain IGN) and the same thing happens to me, it places the cloud of points 50-60m below the world terrain.