I have a pointcloud on Cesium Ion which renders in the Sandcastle but does not render in my app. The browser returns a 404 error related: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
. This is accompanied by the following message in the browser window: Cannot GET /ThirdParty/draco_decoder.wasm
. The issue appears to be related to a number of posts concerning the loading of the configuration of Webpack concerning the module for Draco compression:
- https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-webpack-example/issues/10#issuecomment-396446402
- Melbourne example tileset not loading with Webpack example
- Draco WebAssembly updates break Webpack 4 build
While some users appear to have been able to resolve the issue I haven’t been able to determine the following:
- Does Cesium contain the relevant package or do I need to load an external package? If so which package?
- Is there a specific function I need to call to ensure the pointcloud is loaded using Draco?
- As I am building my app with Webpack are there any specific changes I’d need to consider making to the
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.