Pointcloud not loading

I have a pointcloud on Cesium Ion which renders in the Sandcastle but does not render in my app. The browser returns a 404 error related: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found). This is accompanied by the following message in the browser window: Cannot GET /ThirdParty/draco_decoder.wasm. The issue appears to be related to a number of posts concerning the loading of the configuration of Webpack concerning the module for Draco compression:

While some users appear to have been able to resolve the issue I haven’t been able to determine the following:

  • Does Cesium contain the relevant package or do I need to load an external package? If so which package?
  • Is there a specific function I need to call to ensure the pointcloud is loaded using Draco?
  • As I am building my app with Webpack are there any specific changes I’d need to consider making to the webpack.config.js file.

Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.

Hi there,

draco_decoder.wasm is shipped with CesiumJS. It is used to decode draco-encoded data. Your point cloud is likely draco encoding for a smaller file size.

There’s no function you should need to call on it. CesiumJS should handle the loading directly assuming it has access to draco_decoder.wasm in order to decode.

Ensure you are copying the ThirdParty directory contents in your webpack config to make sure it’s included in your app.