PolylineVolume curves before an expected point

Hi, I am Morita.
I am trying to draw a PolylineVolume that passes through the specified points.

However, as the bending angles become larger, the PolylineVolume bends before the specified points in Cesium.


Here is an example of the source code.

Sandcastle Example

It consists of an Entity with the 3 points given to the PolylineVolume, an Entity connecting the 3 points with a Polyline, and the 3 points themselves as Entities.
You can see that the second point, (140, 40, 0), is outside the PolylineVolume.

Is this behavior intended by Cesium?
If it is an intended behavior, how can I draw a PolylineVolume that passes through the specified points?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

help me :cold_face:

I don’t know if that is a bug or meant to be like that.

For your use case, maybe you can use the corner type MITERED.