Raw JSON Data to 3D Tiles Streaming Application (glTF, b3dm, 3D Tiles, Cesium Server ?)

Raw JSON Data to 3D Tiles Streaming Application (glTF, b3dm, 3D Tiles, Cesium Server ?)

Hello dear Cesium Dev comrades,

My name's Shengda Liu, I'm a very beginner with CesiumJS.

My question : What tool should I use to generate 3D Tiles from JSON raw data ?

My Situation :

I'm working on a project about 3D geodata visualisation.

I have few thousands of raw JSON data like below :
    [2.333333, 48.866667], { //lat,long or long,lat
        "properties1": 6, //One of the properties will be converted to height
        "properties2": 1,
        "properties3": {
            "properties31": 1
        "properties4": {
            "properties41": 1
        "properties5": {
            "properties51": 1
], x about 5000 lines

What I want :

Voronoi Tesselation on points and colored culinder elevation on each point.

At first I tried adding directly polygons into Cesium via javascript like :

$.getJSON('data/data.json', function (content) { //About 1400 ko
    data = content;

                id: 'voronoi'+k,
                parent: voronoi,
                name: "Name"+k,
                description: 'bla bla',
                polygon: {...}

But it consume a lot of memory and processor.
When I tried calculate some voronoi and polygon elevation Firefox/Chrome crash with "out of memory" even on a good machine. //About few hundred OK, but few thousand NOPE

Then I tried to look at an another solution, and found out Cesium 3D tiles.
But as a beginner Web Developper with no knowledge about 3D data format like glTF or WebGL I cannot understand how could I convert thousand of raw data like above into Cesium 3D tiles.

If some one have done something similar and can give me some helps it would be awesome, thanks.

Shengda Liu

Hi Shengda,

Check out the thread we have on this issue: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/cesium-dev/xLkYIuku9hA/t_AxUBepAgAJ

Hope that helps,

  • Rachel

你好,能说一下qq号吗?方便以后交流 :hugs: