
Hi Cesium Team,

From some versions of Cesium i hava a problem with RegExp("[א-ת؀-ۿݐ-ݿࢠ-ࣿ]")
and also with sandbox, in every new version i need to change Cesium.js file to fix this issues and then it work fine. I change:

RegExp("[א-ת؀-ۿݐ-ݿࢠ-ࣿ]") --> RegExp("/א-ת؀-ۿݐ-ݿࢠ-ࣿ/"),

setAttribute("sandbox","allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-forms") -->
setAttribute("sandbox","allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-forms allow-scripts")

I think this problem occurs because my region is in Eastern Europe

Best Regards :slight_smile:

Sorry you’ve had to repeatedly fix this!

Since you already know the fix, do you want to try opening a pull request and making this contribution to Cesium? We’d appreciate it!