I’m looking for a clean way to replace 3D structures in a street block or a few street blocks. It’ll be most likely a square or rectangle shape on the map.
But my issue is when I use Cesium addin/method for Unity to clean up a street block, it often touches more than the square/rectangle shape and removes partial of adjacent buildings. Is there a way to remove precisely a square street block? It seems Cesium for Unreal can remove more accurately than for Unity.
Hi @mz2008,
Have you tried using Cartographic Polygons in Cesium for Unity? You can find a tutorial for using them here.
These polygons function the same way that they do in Cesium for Unreal, so there shouldn’t be differences in accuracy. You can edit a spline to define a polygonal area, then hide any parts of the tileset that fall inside of it.
Let us know if this helps!
Hi janine,
Thanks for the help. One more question, is there a way to replace a 3D building at runtime ? Basically I want to make my own tool to allow users to replace buildings and objects on map. But right now I can only do this in Unity editor.
Hi janine,
Thanks for the help. One more question, is there a way to replace a 3D building at runtime ? Basically I want to make my own tool to allow users to replace buildings and objects on map. But right now I can only do this in Unity editor.
Hi @mz2008,
I’m afraid there’s no programmatic way to “replace a 3D building at runtime”. You’d have to create CesiumCartographicPolygon
s for all the buildings that you want to replace, which I understand would be very manual, perhaps tedious. But you could enable / disable those polygons, and update the CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay
, at runtime.
While we may not have workarounds at the moment, it would help if you shared your use case with us! We consider user input, whether on Github or the community forum, for our future roadmap. If you also shared what data you’re using, that would be helpful too. (For example, are you using your own data? Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles?)
Hi Janine,
I want to create a program that allows user to replace buildings on map, so it needs to be at runtime. we use google Photorealistic 3D Tiles.
Is it possible to get this feature request on your roadmap?
Hi Janine,
I posted the following question a couple of months ago but no response. Can your team provide some suggestions? This can increase your user base significantly. Thanks.
“I want to use the google Photorealistic 3D Tiles from mainland China, but google is blocked by China. I think one possible way to get around this problem is to setup a proxy outside China, the requests need to be sent to the proxy, then the proxy relays the map data requests to google and pass the result back to the client side. Do you think this is possible or have some other suggestions for this situation ?”
Hi @mz2008,
Per their Terms of Service, Google does not permit its data to be accessed in China. Thank you for your understanding.