Retrieve building information from 3D google tiles

Hi everyone.

Does CesiumJS support google 2D tiles?

My goal would be to retrieve the information from the building by clicking on a 3d tileset.
I would like to combine google 2d tiles on top of google 3d photorealistic tiles, so when I click on a 3d building the information would be retrieved from the 2d tile building.
Combination of osm 3d tiles and google 3d tiles looks not good but is there a way to hide osm buildings but make only them clickable?

Ideally I am trying to achieve this: click on a building then retrieve its boundaries and then hide the building with ClippingPolygon.


I have encountered the exact same problem. You can use the OSM dataset as a classification resource for the Google 3d tiles, however in my case, there is a big performance draw when both are rendered. When you set the alpha channel to zero, the intersecting bits are rendered white which is strange as well.

I am also interested in using clipping planes for Google photorealistic 3D tiles to just show a building in 3D with base layer in 2D map. A sandcastle example of something like this would be greatly appreciated.