I setup a sandcastle cesium app at my website. The page contains a JS datatable and cesium globe. Data in the datatable is coming from db. Based on the data, i added a polyline, billboard and ellipsoid on the cesium globe.
When the page loads it take much time and its too slow. Can you guys help me to improve sandcastle page load time? Any suggestions ?
While investigating i found the Sandcastle javascript needs to be minified, when cesium sandcastle loads, it call many of the cesium javascript files. Those take too much of time to gets loaded and are not in minified form.
When i load my app, lots of cesium files are loaded in background. This is not solved correctly, the page is loading with too many requests. clear my cache and refresh page, it takes much longer to load than it should.
This looks like you’re using the unbuilt version of CesiumJS. Make sure you’re running the built version, which should not be pulling any code from the Source/ directory.