Sandcastle is awesome so far.
I attached a picture of our original design - not because we have to stick to it - but just so we have something beyond the hard copies floating around.
At 162 lines with comments, the simplest example is way too much code. Let’s figure out how to make it as approachable as possible, e.g.,
Can we hide some of it in utility functions in the HTML/CSS tab - perhaps canvas.oncontextmenu, window.onresize, and “canvas.className = …” and the following line?
Can we just always use the 2048 textures? Absolutely.
A really bare bones example doesn’t even need the demo buttons or mouse handling skeleton; perhaps we need two skeletons: one that is really a skeleton and one that has other useful stuff.
The examples don’t need to include any calls to console.log, right? Those were just for testing?
Does Safari still need the proxy? If so, how long need we need to keep it for?
Adding demos to the gallery
Do we call them demos or examples? Either is OK as long as we are consistent (not that we are not already).
What will the workflow be for external users that want to submit to our gallery? To a public gallery?
View as Thumbnail is cool. What is the easiest way to save it? I took a screen shot and cropped it. Why can’t I right click and ‘Save As’ or something similar?
The Sandcastle subdirectories, gallery and templates, should probably start with uppercase like all the other Cesium directories (wheter all directories should start with lowercase is perhaps another question. I don’t care as long as things are consistent).
Do we only support .jpg? Why not .png too? It is pretty common, and actually what I tried to do first.
When I don’t show the demo buttons, “Loading, please wait…” never goes away unless I explicitly modify the div tag. Can we have default behavior for this?
There are some hardcoded references to dojo in the generated html file. Are they always required? We don’t want to tightly couple the examples with dojo.
What does a user do once they download the html file? They need to know to put it in the gallery folder for it to run, right? Should we have an option to package up Cesium and their example, so there is no barrier to entry for them to switch from Sandcastle hacking to local hacking?
Code editing
How feasible is JSLint or JSHint?
Syntax highlighting is nice, but has some flaws. For example, “polyline” is highlighted blue in “var polyline = new Cesium.Polyline();”
Tab inserts a tab. Can it insert spaces?
Is it possible to get line numbers for the reported errors? Better yet, can we highlight the line like you do in the GLSL Sandbox?
When I bring up Sandcastle, I get “GET http://localhost:8080/Build/Documentation/types.txt 404 (Not Found)” unless I build release for the documentation, which is too slow to require people to do (2 minutes 38 seconds on my machine). How can we handle this? Make it optional? Submit a prebuilt one?
If I type "var v = new " then Ctrl-Space, I get intellisense, but it doesn’t include Cesium types.
I see the Bing logo, but where is the Cesium logo? Perhaps, we should make it part of Scene so it is on by default.
When I run with break on all exceptions, it breaks in contextRequire in dojo.js on load.
The examples shouldn’t include “scene.getCamera().frustum.near = 1.0;” Once the multi-frustum is in, we will have infinite near and far planes (well that’s not true, but you get it). Currently, setting the near plane to one causes the vector data to z-fight with the depth plane.
Moving forward
2D and Columbus view are awesome Cesium features, but we haven’t fully put them at the forefront. How can we make it easy to switch to them in Sandcastle?
The gallery page with mouse over widgets looks slick so far. How will we quickly browse and show several examples when demoing (like clicking on different items in the Sandbox tree)?
Can clicking on the screen shot default to something? Run or Edit, I’m not sure which.
Will examples have metadata extracted from JavaScript comments so, for example, mouse over on the gallery will show a description.
We need the ability to put spaces in the name, e.g., “Polygons and circles”, not “polygonsAndCircles.” How bad is it to just put spaces in the filename? Or include a display name in the metadata?
The gallery is sorted alphabetically, right? We probably want to sort it by date so returning users see what’s new. We might even want the option to sort it other ways, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
We’ll also want to be able to live search the gallery, including the code, e.g., show me all the examples that use Polyline.
Should the editor ask to save work when I leave the page like gmail? Should it automatically save? Can we do that client-side?
How important is are fork/parent buttons like the GLSL Sandbox?
How hard is it to support CZML down the road? GLSL?
Again, I think Sandcastle is fantastic. It is a major improvement to the Sandbox, which was already pretty impressive.