scene.pickPositionSupported doesn't work in IE11

1. A concise explanation of the problem you're experiencing.

I tried the picking example in the sandcastle

but the labels with the coordinates aren't shown in IE11

2. A minimal code example. If you've found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.

see sandcastle

3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.

I would like to show labels in 3D

4. The Cesium version you're using, your operating system and browser.

1.45 but also with 1.40

Hi there,
Some browsers don’t support the necessary WebGL features to use this function. You can check Scene.pickPositionSupported, and use a fallback if it’s not.



Hi there,

Some browsers don't support the necessary WebGL features to use this function. You can check Scene.pickPositionSupported, and use a fallback if it's not.


On Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 10:10:07 AM UTC-4, wrote:1. A concise explanation of the problem you're experiencing.
I tried the picking example in the sandcastle
but the labels with the coordinates aren't shown in IE11

2. A minimal code example. If you've found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.
see sandcastle

3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.
I would like to show labels in 3D

4. The Cesium version you're using, your operating system and browser.
1.45 but also with 1.40

Hi Gabby- what do you mean with fallback ?

You are the experts in webgl - does IE11 Support depth-texture under Windows 8.1 or do I Need a Special update for IE11 !


Hi Gabby,

one more - the sandcastle uses


but in IE11, on Windows 8.1 this is false.

I have the question - is there a way to use this Scene-picking in IE11, Windows 8.1 - because this is the favorite of my customer - or do I Need to update to Windows 10 and edge (in Edge it works)


Unfortunately, scene.pickPosition will never work in IE because IE lacks some WebGL features we are using to make pickPosition work. However, scene.pick works in IE. We provide the Scene.pickPositionSupported flag so you can use pickPosition when it’s supported, but fall back to something like scene.pick when it is not.
