Shadergraph Geometry Normal/Tangent in HDRP

I’m trying to add some custom functionality to your Unity HDRP shader.
Unfortunately 3DTiles geometry does not have Normal Vectors, Tangent, Bitangent in any space Object/World/Tangent available to use in the shadergraph.

Only the Position node works, but that’s not enough. I saw on Unreal threads, that there was Tangent support added. Is there any way to make it work in unity already or in the future?


Hi @MarcinS, welcome to the community!
A Cesium3DTileset will have normals, at least, unless the tileset is using the KHR_materials_unlit extension. Are you perhaps using Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles? Because it is a prominent example of a tileset that uses that extension. You can override this and get normals anyway by ticking the “Generate Smooth Normals” box on the tileset.

Hi @Kevin_Ring, yes I’m on google Photorealistic 3D TIles and that helped, thanks! :slight_smile:

I’ve got another question now. Is there any specific way for sorting the priority for rendering the tiles, I want to get them behind my scene meshes. I see there is no standard mesh renderer on the tiles. Is there any variable that I should look for in your scripts, or any property that is hidden or in plain sight that I don’t see to make it happen? Is it possible in any easy way or do I need to create a custom solution on my own?

I’m not sure what options exist for sorting. We don’t provide anything specific, but perhaps Unity itself does. We do use normal MeshRenderers on each tile. On the Cesium3DTileset, tick the “showTilesInHierarchy” box. Then you can navigate to individual tiles in the Hierarchy view and inspect their properties.