Show entities all at once

Hello everybody,

Here is a small code to run in the Sandcastle:

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’); = false;
for (var lon = -180.0; lon < 180.0; lon += 5.0) {
for (var lat = -85.0; lat < 85.0; lat += 5.0) {
rectangle: {
coordinates: Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(lon, lat, lon + 5.0, lat + 5.0),
material: Cesium.Color.fromRandom({alpha: 0.5})
viewer.entities.resumeEvents(); = true;

When I run this code the rectangles appear in several “steps”, not just all at once (as in where I took this code from and replaced low-level primitives by entities).

Question: is there any way to control how the geometries are shown using Entity API? I’ve been playing with suspendEvents/resumeEvents and with show = true/false, with no luck.

Thanks, Boris.