show or hide entity

Hi all!

I'd like to add show/hide feature for entity in my application. I'd also like to control this action with checkbox. Below is my experiment.

if (checkbox_nn.checked){
  var redLine = viewer.entities.add({
    name : 'Red line on the surface',
    polyline : {
    positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(array_of_coordinates),
    width : 3,
    material : Cesium.Color.RED
else {
  viewer.entities.remove(redLine); //this is not working

Help please. Thank you in front!


Instead of adding and removing your entities, you can simply change the value of the show property for the entity. Here is an example:

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’);

var redLine = viewer.entities.add({
polyline : {
positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([-75, 35,
-125, 35]),
width : 5,
material : Cesium.Color.RED

Sandcastle.addToolbarButton(‘Toggle Show’, function() { = !;





I've tried and i got error:

"Sandcastle-header.js:40 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null"

in my web browser.

Do I have to change sandcastle-header.js?

That might be happening because I used Sandcastle.addToolbarButton to add a button to the example. This code runs in our Sandcastle app:
The code will work in your app if you remove the sandcastle specific function and call = !; from somewhere in your app.



It's not working. It says: "redLine is not defined"

Here's the part of code. I'm using jquery.ajax to fetch data from database using jsonp

if (checkbox_nn.checked){
    type: 'GET',
    url: url2,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    jsonp: "cb",
    jsonpCallback: "jQ2",
    beforeSend : function(jqXHR, settings){
      var url2 = settings.url;
      var url2 = url2.replace("&_=","&ts=");
      jqXHR.url= url2;
      settings.url = url2;
    success: function(data){
      //drawing of low voltage layer
      for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++){
        for (var l=0; l<data[i].POINT.length; l++){
  var redLine = viewer.entities.add({
    name : 'Red line',
    polyline : {
            width : 2,
            material : Cesium.Color.RED
   error: function (jqXHR, status, error) {
     console.log(status, error);
else{ = !;

Until i find better solution, i'll use

else {

    viewer.entities.removeAll(); //THIS


The problem remains. I still want to remove polyline according to checkbox state.

I have my code

var yellowLine = viewer.entities.add...

and in my browser i got error:
yellowLine is not defined Uncaught reference error

Any one any idea?!

I'm on the half way to get this done. The problem is in the scope of variable

// jquery sets variable 'yellowLine'

viewer.entities.remove(yellowLine) //doesn't see the 'yellowLine'

Does anyone hava an idea?

Thanks, Hannah for your solution. I tried your method and I was able to either completely remove the redline or hide it.
